
Retail Marketing & Retail Technology Blog

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and festive cheer—and brands often seize the opportunity to create commercials that capture the sp...
Nicoleta Nicoleta
Dec 20,2024
In today's competitive marketplace, building a strong brand is essential for success. A well-defined brand not only helps businesses stand out from th...
Talida Munteanu Talida Munteanu
Apr 19,2024
In the busy world of shopping and stores, retail branding is really important. It's not just about having a cool logo or...
When shoppers step foot inside a store thinking about buying a certain product is your brand top of mind? Can people spo...
It’s complicated to stay top of mind in a competitive market. Hundreds of brands fighting to attract the attention of sh...
Customers have a lot of brands and products to choose from. How does one choose a type of toothpaste over another? Is th...
The FMCG sector is a competitive one. Thousands of products from hundreds of brands are displayed to the shoppers in sup...
Nowadays, competition is fierce in most industries, including the retail sector. That’s why brands are trying their best...
In the retail industry, competition is fierce and brands need to do everything in their power to make sure that they att...
The store shelf is an important touchpoint on the customer journey of any shopper. From the decision to go to the store ...

The new generation of POS displays will completely rock your world.

Find out all about the interactive shelf advertising robot used by top FMCG brands around the world.